Multiplayer Vehicle Select/Customization with Matchmaking feature. We wanted to give the players something to do while waiting for matchmaking to happen.
Settings Screen:
We decided that all of the menus need to be laid down flat toward the end of the project. Some screens needed to be redone and this was one of them.
Post race info screen. This billboard would move forward from our race podium and display pertinent info to the player in movie(through animations) or still image form.
Lootbox screen. Every game needs lootboxes!
Basic messaging screens. Some would display as popups on the main menu, some upon entering certain game modes.
A storyboard for animation of a 'movie' sequence that would play on the billboard.
LAN multiplayer game select/create screen. It was a real challenge do do all this on one screen and we never got to really how well this implementation worked.